Solo show at Le Confort Moderne.
"Not far from the main video, a series of three videos on tv screens shows us three psychics predicting the exhibition. Watching these speculative predictions in the self-referential context of the exhibition space gives a sense of circularity, of the condensation of space and time, thepresentoftheexhibitionshowsusitspastdescribingitsfuture. We enter an in situ, in medias res and hic et nunc. Further on, we go in 'real time': seated on faux concrete bleachers like on a TV show set that would offer us time as a spectacle, we bathe in the vaporous music of the projected film. Contrasting with the approximation of the recorded predictions, the whole scenery is precise like a meteorite crash - from and in the present. [...] Inviting us to be in the present by magnetically concentrating temporal, cultural and fictional strata, Marion Balac does not resolve the disorder of our troubled spatio-temporal references. She almost tends to support it, showing us that it is constantly haunted by the past and fantasies of possible futures. In a retrofuturistic setting, she invites us to experience time through its materiality, its potentials and uncertainties: as an object of critical reflection and storytelling."
Toutes les forces de l'attraction booklet with a text by Carin Klonowski (in french)